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Patches for client 2021-12-01_Ragexe_1638153575

Success patches count: 283 from 361.

Success patches

status patch name
allowed success Fix Charset For Custom Fonts
Use correct charset for Official Custom Fonts on all LangType
allowed success Chat Color - GM
Changes the GM Chat color and sets it to the specified value. Default value is ffff00 (Yellow)
allowed success Increase Headgear ViewID
Increases the limit for the headgear ViewIDs from 2000 to User Defined value (max 32000)
allowed success Remove Gravity Ads
Removes Gravity ads on the login background
allowed success Hide build info in client
Hide actual build info in client by replacing it to useless data
allowed success Enable debug file PingLog.txt
Enabling storing some debug info into PingLog.txt
allowed success Use Custom DLL
Makes the hexed client load the specified DLL and functions
allowed success Remove hardcoded address/port
Remove hardcoded connection addresses and ports.
allowed success Enable Effect for all Maps [Experimental]
Make the client load the corresponding file in EffectTool folder for all maps
allowed success Enable Shortcut All Item
Allow players put all items on the shortcut window make it easy to trace.
allowed success Change Tipbox*.lub path
Change Tipbox*.lub path
allowed success Restore Roulette
Brings back the Roulette Icon that was removed in new clients
allowed success Skip some hidden menu icon buttons
Allow skip buttons hidden by patches 'Hide XXX button'
allowed success Add custom lua support [Robe]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for robes.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed success Remove Equipment Preview Button
Remove equipment preview button on the items description window
allowed success Disable 4 Letter User Name Limit
Will allow people to use account names shorter than 4 characters
allowed success Always Show License Screen
Makes the client always show the License for all LangTypes
allowed success Send at commands to server
Allow send at commands unsupported by client to server
allowed success Use Ascii on All LangTypes
Makes the Client Enable ASCII irrespective of Font or LangTypes
allowed success Change maximum guild emblem file size
Allow upload gif emblems with other maximum size (default limit is 51200 bytes)
allowed success Change actor names font size
Change font size for classes UINameBalloon*
allowed success Disable Walk To Delay.
Will have a quicker response to walking clicks. But client may likely send more/duplicated packets.
allowed success Adjust all fonts logical size
Adjust all fonts logical size
allowed success Disable Swear Filter
The content of manner.txt has no impact on ability to send text
allowed success Disable mp3NameTable.txt
Disable all .mp3 audio files in BGM folder for playing background music
allowed success Extend PM Box
Extend the PM chat box max input chars from 70 to 221
allowed success Change default font color for base class of all balloons
Change default font color for class UIBalloonText
allowed success Limit maximum font size for drawed text messages
Allow set maximum font size for text messages.
allowed success Limit maximum width in all resolutions
Limit maximum width in all screen resolutions
allowed success Add custom lua support [Weapon]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for weapons.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed success Draw text messages with fixed height
Set font height on all drawed text messages.
allowed success Change minimal bronze amount for start roulette
Also need change this limit in emulator side
allowed success Additional client validation
Validate is loaded client detected as correct client. If this patch failed, other patches can be wrong.
allowed success Restore chat focus
Restore input focus from left mouse click.
allowed success @ Bug Fix
Correct the bug to write @ in chat
allowed success Change default icon type for class UINameBalloonText
Change default icon type for class UINameBalloonText
allowed success Add custom lua support [Lapine Box]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for lapine boxes.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed success Disable Nagle Algorithm
Disables the Nagle Algorithm. The Nagle Algorithm queues packets before they are sent in order to minimize protocol overhead. Disabling the algorithm will slightly increase network traffic, but it will decrease latency as well
allowed success Change CheckAttendance*.lub path
Change CheckAttendance*.lub path
allowed success Set fixed charset
Allow use only one charset for any text messages. (enable load and use font charset patches)
allowed success Hide adventurer agency button
Hide adventurer agency button
allowed success Skip License Screen
Skip the warning screen and goes directly to the main window with the Service Select
allowed success Use Tilde for Matk
Make the client use tilde (~) symbol for Matk in Stats Window instead of Plus (+)
allowed success Use Custom dll in simple way
Makes client load the specified DLL in simple way. For tests try dll from Input/testdll.dll
allowed success Change default border color for class UITransBalloonText
Change default border color for class UITransBalloonText
allowed success Change MVP monster hp bar size
Change health bar size drawed under MVP (boss) monster
allowed success Disable Hallucination Wavy Screen
Disables the Hallucination effect (screen becomes wavy and lags the client), used by baphomet, horongs, and such
allowed success Chat Flood Remove Limit
Remove the clientside limitation which checks for maximum repeated lines
allowed success Unlock all valid skills for homunculus and mercenary AI
Unlock all valid skills for homunculus and mercenary AI
allowed success Fix Camera Angles (LESS)
Unlocks the possible camera angles to give more freedom of placement. This enables an 30deg angle
allowed success Change all fonts face
Change all fonts face name
allowed success Hide shop button
Hide shop button
allowed success Restore Songs Effect
Restore Bard/Dancer songs ground effect on 2019+ clients.
allowed success Hide Achievements Button
Hide Achievements Button
allowed success Show icon with error messages
Show icon with error message boxes
allowed success Shared Head Palettes Type2
Makes the client use a single hair palette set (head_%d.pal) for all job classes both genders
allowed success Shared Head Palettes Type1
Makes the client use a single hair palette set (head_%s_%d.pal) for all job classes but separate for both genders
allowed success Change PetEvolutionCln*.lub path
Change PetEvolutionCln*.lub path
allowed success Fix Camera Angles (FULL)
Unlocks the possible camera angles to give more freedom of placement. This enables an almost ground-level camera
allowed success Hide Rodex Button
Hide Rodex Button
allowed success Always read msgstringtable.txt
This option will force the client to read all the user interface messages from msgstringtable.txt instead of displaying the Korean messages
allowed success Enable Emblem hover for BG
Makes the client show the Emblem on top of the character for Battleground mode as well along with GvG
allowed success Skip Resurrection Button
Skip showing resurrection button when you die with Token of Ziegfried in inventory
allowed success Change fade in/out delay
Change fade in/out time in warps on same map
allowed success Custom Window Title
Changes window title. Normally, the window title is 'Ragnarok'
allowed success Change RecommendedQuestInfoList*.lub path
Change RecommendedQuestInfoList*.lub path
allowed success Change default text width for class UIVerticalNameBalloonText
Change default text width class UIVerticalNameBalloonText
allowed success Use SSO Login Packet
Enable using SSO packet on all LangType (to use login and pass with a launcher)
allowed success Hide Bank Button
Hide Bank Button
allowed success Load custom ClientInfo file
Makes the client load your own clientinfo file instead of *clientinfo.xml
allowed success Disable 4 Letter Character Name Limit
Will allow people to use character names shorter than 4 characters
allowed success Disable dc_scream.txt
Disable chat on file dc_scream
allowed success Hide Cash Shop
Hide Cash Shop Icon
allowed success Enable DNS Support
Enable DNS support for clientinfo.xml
allowed success Enforce Official Login Background
Enforce Official Login Background for all LangType
allowed success Remove Serial Display
Removes the display of the client serial number in the login window (bottom right corner)
allowed success Hide debugger
Hide presence of debugger (IsDebuggerPresent)
allowed success Change all fonts logical size to fixed value
Resizes all fonts logical height to fixed value
allowed success Hide BG Button
Hide Battleground Button
allowed success Enable Official Custom Fonts
This option forces Official Custom Fonts (eot files int data folder) on all LangType
allowed success Change default font size for base class of all balloons
Change default font size for class UIBalloonText
allowed success Change normal monster hp bar size
Change health bar size drawed under normal monster
allowed success Auto Mute Audio [Experimental]
Auto mute audio when game window not actived.
allowed success Extend Chat Room Box
Extend the chat room box max input chars from 70 to 234
allowed success Enable packets id encryption
Set default way for encryption packets id based on 3 keys
allowed success Change character display deletion time
Change character display deletion time from actual date to relative date
allowed success Limit minimal width in all resolutions
Limit minimal width in all screen resolutions
allowed success Change adventurer agency level range
Changes the default level range on the Adventure Agency.
allowed success Fix item description bug
Fix item description '[' bug
allowed success Use small titlebar in game window
Use small title bar in game window
allowed success Draw text messages always with italic font
Set italic font on all drawed text messages.
allowed success Always load Korea ExternalSettings lua file
Makes the client load Korea server's ExternalSettings file for all langtypes.
allowed success Limit minimal font size for drawed text messages
Allow set minimal font size for text messages.
allowed success Extend Npc Dialog Box
Increases Max input chars of NPC Dialog boxes from 2052 to 4096
allowed success Enable /showname
Enables use of /showname command on all LangTypes
allowed success Limit all fonts logical minimal size
Limit all fonts logical minimal size
allowed success Increase human hair style limit in game
Allow use amount of hair styles for human job in game
allowed success Change Walk To Delay.
Can have a quicker response to walking clicks. But client may likely send more/duplicated packets.
allowed success Disable OS Privileges execution level
Disable OS Privileges execution level for run client by user account
allowed success Change Towninfo*.lub path
Change Towninfo*.lub path
allowed success Add custom lua support [HatEffectInfo]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for hat effects.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed success Hide options/settings button
Hide options/settings button
allowed success Change default BGM file
Change default BGM music file after login to account. Default is bgm\01.mp3
allowed success Hide skills button
Hide skills button
allowed success Change Walk To Delay from chat.
Allow enable/disable walk delay from chat command
allowed success Use low color custom icon
Use custom icon with size 32x32 and 16 colors
allowed success Disable ba_frostjoke.txt
Disable chat on file ba_frostjoke
allowed success Disable 1rag1 type parameters
Enable this to launch the client directly without patching or any 1rag1, 1sak1 etc parameters
allowed success Add support for preview button in custom shops
Extend old cash shop packet for support equipment preview.
allowed success Hide attendance button
Hide attendance button
allowed success Set fixed server ip address
Client will always connect only to given hardcoded ip address
allowed success Check is servertype in xml file was set to correct value
Show error if xml file configured in wrong way
allowed success Adjust font size for drawed text messages
Allow adjust font size for text messages.
allowed success Change minimal gold amount for start roulette
Also need change this limit in emulator side
allowed success Hide inventory button
Hide inventory button
allowed success Ignore Resource Errors
Prevents the client from displaying a variety of Error messages (but not all of them) including missing files. This does not guarantee the client will work in-spite of missing files
allowed success Change default font color for class UITransBalloonText
Change default font color for class UITransBalloonText
allowed success Increase Zoom Out 50%
Increases the zoom-out range by 50 percent
allowed success Increase Zoom Out 75%
Increases the zoom-out range by 75 percent
allowed success Add close button to game window
Add close button and menu to game window
allowed success Hide SNS Button
Hide SNS (Twitter) button
allowed success Disable packets id encryption
Disable default way for encryption packets id based on 3 keys
allowed success Change all normal fonts weight to fixed value
Change all normal (regular) fonts weight to fixed value
allowed success Chat Color - Self
Changes your character's Chat color and sets it to the specified value. Default value is 00ff00 (Green)
allowed success Disable Help Message on Login
Prevents the Help Message being shown on Login for all LangTypes
allowed success HKLM To HKCU
This makes the client use HK_CURRENT_USER registry entries instead of HK_LOCAL_MACHINE. Necessary for users who have no admin privileges on their computer
allowed success Remove Equipment Swap Button
Remove equipment swap button on the equipment window
allowed success Set custom message for error if client started without launcher
This message can be visible only in patch 'Disable 1rag1 type parameters' not enabled.
allowed success Enable GvG Damage display
Show Damage on GvG Maps during the Guild War
allowed success Disable Blind skills effect
Disables the Blind skill effect (screen becomes darkness)
allowed success Draw names with bold or normal font
Draw UINameBalloon* with bold or normal font
allowed success Change tax value on sending items by rodex
Allow replace default 2500 rodex tax to custom value
allowed success Use Normal Guild Brackets
On LangType 0, instead of square-brackets, japanese style brackets are used, this option reverts that behaviour to the normal square brackets '[' and ']'
allowed success Remove GM Sprites
Remove the GM sprites and keeping all the functionality like Yellow name and Admin right click menu
allowed success Change auto follow stop delay
Can change auto follow disappear delay.
allowed success Show Replay Button
Makes the client show Replay button on Service Select screen that opens the Replay File List window
allowed success Protect shorten and bold name flags
Remove code from CSession::SetTextType
allowed success Change default shadow color for class UITransBalloonText
Change default shadow color for class UITransBalloonText
allowed success Always Show Resurrection Button
Make the client always show Resurrection button with Token of Ziegfried in inventory irrespective of map type
allowed success Change minimal silver amount for start roulette
Also need change this limit in emulator side
allowed success Restore Model Culling
Culls models in front of player by turning them transparent
allowed success Increase Zoom Out Max
Maximizes the zoom-out range
allowed success Chat Flood Allow
Disable the clientside repeat limit of 3, and sets it to the specified value
allowed success Only Second Login Background
Displays always the second login background
allowed success Change default shadow color for base class of all balloons
Change default shadow color for class UIBalloonText
allowed success Opening To Service Select
Make Opening button to service select, change button text in msgstringtable,txt:3354
allowed success Ignore SignBoardList.lub Reading
Make the client ignore to reading SignBoardList.lub
allowed success Set fixed job id in char create dialog
Override selected job in char creation packet
allowed success Chat Color - Guild
Changes the Guild Chat color and sets it to the specified value. Default Value is b4ffb4 (Light Green)
allowed success Hide keyboard button
Hide keyboard button
allowed success Add custom lua support [NPC/Mob/Pet]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for NPCs/mobs/pets.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed success Hide Booking Button
Hide Booking Button
allowed success Increase Zoom Out 25%
Increases the zoom-out range by 25 percent
allowed success Increase Zoom Out to custom value
Increases the zoom-out range by custom value
allowed success Read Data Folder First
Gives the data directory contents priority over the data/sdata.grf contents
allowed success Change default shadow color for class UICharInfoBalloonText
Change default shadow color for class UICharInfoBalloonText
allowed success Add custom lua support [Signboard]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for signboards.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed success Change default text width for class UINameBalloonText
Change default text width class UINameBalloonText
allowed success Use Official Cloth Palettes
Use Official Cloth Palette on all LangTypes. Do not use this if you are using the 'Enable Custom Jobs' patch
allowed success Limit all fonts logical maximum size
Limit all fonts logical maximum size
allowed success Draw text messages always with bold font
Set bold font on all drawed text messages.
allowed success Enable /who command
Enable /w and /who command for all LangTypes
allowed success Limit minimal height in all resolutions
Limit minimal height in all screen resolutions
allowed success Always Load Client Plugins
Makes the client load client plug-ins regardless of its sound settings
allowed success Fix Camera Angles (custom)
Unlocks the possible camera angles to give more freedom of placement. This enable custom camera angle
allowed success Change Quick Switch Delay
Change quick item switch delay
allowed success Disable Auto follow
Disables player auto-follow on Shift+Right click
allowed success Change all bold fonts weight to fixed value
Change all bold fonts weight to fixed value
allowed success Disable Multiple Windows
Prevents the client from creating more than one instance on all LangTypes
allowed success Increase Map Quality
Makes client use 32 bit color maps for Map Textures
allowed success Translate Client
This will translate some of the Hard-coded Korean phrases with strings stored in TranslateClient.txt
allowed success Remove Hourly Announce
Remove hourly game grade and hourly play time minder announcements
allowed success Change minimal screen resolution limit
Allow change minimal client resolution (default value is 1024x768
allowed success Add custom lua support [Title]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for titles.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed success Enable Multiple GRFs - Embedded
Enables the use of multiple grf files without needing INI file in client folder. Instead you specify the INI file as input to the patch
allowed success Change guild exp limit
Change guild exp limit percent. Default value is 50.
allowed success Enable Monster Tables
Enables Loading of MonsterTalkTable.xml, PetTalkTable.xml & MonsterSkillInfo.xml for all LangTypes
allowed success Translate arrows buttons text from korean to english
Translate arrows buttons in hotkey setting ui from korean to english
allowed success Hide tip button
Hide tip button
allowed success Change AchievementList*.lub path
Change AchievementList*.lub path
allowed success Enable Proxy Support
Ignores server-provided IP addresses when changing servers
allowed success Change boss monster hp bar size
Change health bar size drawed under boss (mini boss) monster
allowed success Enable guild while in clan
Remove restriction of guild functionality while being a member of a clan
allowed success Set normal priority class for inactive client
Set normal priority class for inactive client window
allowed success Change default font color for class UICharInfoBalloonText
Change default font color for class UICharInfoBalloonText
allowed success Enable Multiple GRFs
Enables the use of multiple grf files by putting them in a data.ini file in your client folder.You can only load up to 10 total grf files with this option ( -9)
allowed success Never read msgstringtable.txt
This option will block client from reading all the user interface messages from msgstringtable.txt. Instead client will display Korean messages
allowed success Add custom lua support [Headgears]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for headgears.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed success Highlight Skillslot Color
Changes the highlight skillslot color and sets it to the specified value. Default value is b4ffb4 (Celadon)
allowed success Change second char create job
Replace doram to custom job in char creation window.
allowed success Chat Color - Your Party
Changes Your Party Chat color and sets it to the specified value. Default value is ffc800 (Orange)
allowed success Disable Official Custom Fonts
This option disable Official Custom Fonts (eot files int data folder) on all LangType
allowed success Disable ViewPointTable.txt
Disable locking camera viewpoint rotation on file ViewPointTable.txt
allowed success Use Plain Text Descriptions
Signals that the contents of text files are text files, not encoded
allowed success Change auto follow delay
Can reduce auto follow delay.
allowed success Hide party button
Hide party button
allowed success Use borderless mode in full screen
Use borderless mode in full screen
allowed success Use Custom Font
Allows the use of user-defined font for all LangTypes. The LangType-specific charset is still being enforced, so if the selected font does not support it, the system falls back to a font that does
allowed success Disable password encryption for lang types 4, 7
Disable password encryption for lang types 4, 7
allowed success Change Max Party Value
Change max party value displayed on Alt+Z
allowed success Enable Flag Emoticons
Enable Selected Flag Emoticons for all LangTypes. You need to specify a txt file as input with the flag constants assigned to 1-9
allowed success Disable Adventure Agent button on Party Window
Disable Adventure Agency button on Party Window
allowed success Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo*.lub
Makes the client load your own lua file instead of iteminfo.lub . If you directly use itemInfo.lub for your translated items, it may become lost during the next kRO update
allowed success Change all load fonts charset
Change all fonts charset in win32 api
allowed success Shared Body Palettes Type1
Makes the client use a single cloth palette set (body_%s_%d.pal) for all job classes but separate for both genders
allowed success Shared Body Palettes Type2
Makes the client use a single cloth palette set (body_%d.pal) for all job classes both genders
allowed success Mvp Drop Item Use Identified Name
Change Mvp drop item use identified name
allowed success Force Send Client Hash Packet
Forces the client to send a packet with it's MD5 hash for all LangTypes. Only use if you have enabled it in your server
allowed success Ignore most errors
Ignore most errors (hide all message boxes)
allowed success Allow space in guild name
Allow player to create a guild with space in the name (/guild "Space Name")
allowed success Fix default position of new char create window
Fix default position of new char create window
allowed success Hide Map Button
Hide Map Button
allowed success Change Vending Limit [Experimental]
Change the Vending Limit of 1 Billion zeny to user specified value
allowed success Increase Screenshot Quality
Allows changing the JPEG quality parameter for screenshots
allowed success Ignore Quest Errors
Prevents the client from displaying a error messages like 'Not found Quest Info = XXXX'.
allowed success Load custom lua files for most loaded lua files
Load custom lua files before and after for most loaded lua files
allowed success Extend Chat Box
Extend the Main/Battle chat box max input chars from 70 to 234
allowed success Always Use Email for Char Deletion
Makes the Client use Email as Deletion Password for all LangTypes
allowed success Fix Tetra Vortex
Fixes the black screen animation issue of tetra vortex
allowed success Case-Insensitive Storage Search
Case-insensitive search in storage UI.
allowed success Skip Friend list Cheat Check
Prevents warnings during PM's when the sender has similar name to one of your friends
allowed success Add custom lua support [World Map]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for world map.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed success Change new char name field height
Allow change height in input field in new char creation dialog
allowed success Disable kRO Site Launch
Disable launching after in-game settings change
allowed success Draw text messages always with non bold font
Set normal (non bold) font on all drawed text messages.
allowed success Chat Color - Other Player
Changes other players Chat color and sets it to the specified value. Default value is ffffff (White)
allowed success Use Default Web Browser In Cashshop
Open URL in the cashshop window with default web browser instead of IExplore.
allowed success Set fixed charset on drawing text messages
Allow use only one charset for any text messages drawing. Fixing issue with job name in mini stats window.
allowed success Add input delay
Add input delay in Sleep
allowed success Change default text decoration for class UITransBalloonText
Change default text decoration for class UITransBalloonText
allowed success Set high priority class for active client
Set high priority class for active client window
allowed success Add custom lua support [Quest]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for quests.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed success Increase doram hair style limit in game
Allow use amount of hair styles for doram job in game
allowed success Hide Quest Button
Hide Quest Button
allowed success Send client flags to server
Send main clients to server for avoid different flags on client and server
allowed success Disable Ragexe Filename Check
Disables the check that forces the client to quit if not called an official name like ragexe.exe for all LangTypes
allowed success Hide Nav Button
Hide Navigation Button
allowed success Fix captcha decompression buffer size
Changes the default zlib decompression size for captcha images.
allowed success Set all fonts weight to fixed value
Set all fonts weight to fixed value
allowed success Move Cash Shop Icon
Move the Cash Shop icon to user specified co-ordinates. Positive values are relative to left and top, Negative values are relative to right and bottom
allowed success Ignore /account: command line argument
Makes the client ignore /account: command line argument to prevent custom clientinfo.xml from being used.
allowed success Remove trait open button from status window
Remote open advanced attributes button from status window
allowed success Legacy: Enable Title Bar Menu
Replaced by patch 'Add close button to game window'
allowed success Change default font size for class UICharInfoBalloonText
Change default font size for class UICharInfoBalloonText
allowed success Plays sound instead of error message
Plays sound instead of error message
allowed success Change Max Friends Value
Change max friends value displayed on Alt+H
allowed success Change default font size for class UITransBalloonText
Change default font size for class UITransBalloonText
allowed success Change Max Items in inventory
Change maximum items in player inventory.
allowed success Draw text messages always with given font type
Set font type on all drawed text messages. Font type is custom mostly set charset only.
allowed success Remove blured background from new char creation window
Remove blured background from new char creation window
allowed success Fix Camera Angles
Unlocks the possible camera angles to give more freedom of placement. Gives a medium range of around 60 degrees
allowed success Disable 4 Letter Password Limit
Will allow people to use passwords shorter than 4 characters
allowed success Rename License File
Rename the filename used for EULA from '..\licence.txt' to user specified name (Path is relative to Data folder)
allowed success Ignore Missing Palette Error
Prevents the client from displaying error messages about missing palettes. It does not guarantee client will not crash if files are missing
allowed success Change OngoingQuestInfoList*.lub path
Change OngoingQuestInfoList*.lub path
allowed success Disable OTP Login Packet
Disable OTP Login Packet, which causing connect issue after disconnect.
allowed success Use Ragnarok Icon
Makes the hexed client use the RO program icon instead of the generic Win32 app icon
allowed success Disable Map Interface
Disable the World View (Full Map) Interface
allowed success Remove Equipment Title UI
Remove equipment title ui on the equipment window
allowed success Force use icons only from stateiconimginfo.lub
Disable hardcoded status icons and read them only from stateiconimginfo.lub
allowed success Limit maximum height in all resolutions
Limit maximum height in all screen resolutions
allowed success Disable map sign display
Disable all map sign display listing in MapInfo*.lub when players entering map.
allowed success Change PrivateAirplane*.lub path
Change PrivateAirplane*.lub path
allowed success Hide reputation button
Hide reputation button
allowed success Add custom lua support [Random Option]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for random options.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed success Load custom icon in running client
Allow set game icon after client started
allowed success Change all fonts abs size to fixed value
Resizes all fonts abs height to fixed value
allowed success Chat Color - Other Party
Changes the Other Party members Chat color and sets it to the specified value. Default value is ffc8c8 (Pinkish)
allowed success Remove Gravity Logo
Removes Gravity Logo on the login background
allowed success Skip Guild Member Cheat Check
Prevents warnings during PM's when the sender has similar name to one of your guild members
allowed success Restore old login packet
Make client send old 0x64 login packet.
allowed success Add support for preview button in cash shop
Extend cash shop packet for support equipment preview.
allowed success Skip Service Selection Screen
Jumps directly to the login interface without asking to select a service
allowed success Change Sleep delay in game loop
Change Sleep delay in game loop
allowed success Change MonsterSizeEffect*.lub path
Change MonsterSizeEffect*.lub path
allowed success Ignore Lua Errors
Prevents the client from displaying a error messages from lua code like 'attempt to call nil value'.
allowed success Change MapInfo*.lub path
Change MapInfo*.lub path
allowed success Adjust all fonts weight to fixed value
Adjust all fonts weight to fixed value
allowed success Enable 44.1 kHz Audio Sampling Frequency
Boosts the audio sampling frequency to 44.1 kHz, improving the audio quality in the game.
allowed success Hide packets from peek
Simple way for hide packets from peek and bpe
allowed success Ignore Entry Queue Errors
Prevents the client from displaying a error messages like 'Load Failed Data\Table\EntryQueue.bex'.

Failed patches

status patch name error
allowed failed Enable Custom Shields
Enables the use of Custom Shield Types (using Lua Files similar to Xray)
LUA: Lua_state assignment missing
skipped failed Disable Game Guard (NProtect)
Disables Game Guard in 2022-03-30 clients
allowed failed Remove Jobs from Booking
Removes user specified set of Job Names from Party Booking Window.
Failed in Step 1a - Loop Beginning missing
allowed failed Show Cancel To Service Select
Restores the Cancel button in Login Window for switching back to Service Select Window. The button will be placed in between Login and Exit buttons
Failed in Step 1 - btn_intro_b missing
allowed failed Set Attendance Button
Set attendance button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
allowed failed Disable Quake skill effect
Disables the Earthquake skill effect
Failed in Step 1 - BMP not found
allowed failed Set booking button
Set booking button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
skipped failed Fix HTTP Emblems in clients
Fix HTTP Emblem client clients with cheat defender. HTTP service required.
Failed in Step 1
allowed failed Restore Login Window
Circumvents Gravity's new token-based login system and restores the normal login window
Failed in Step 1
allowed failed Set Bank Button
Set bank button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
skipped failed Legacy: Packet Second Key Encryption
Change the 2nd key for packet encryption. Dont select the patch Disable Packet Header Encryption if you are using this. Don't use it if you don't know what you are doing
PKI: Failed to find any reference locations
skipped failed Restore auto follow
Restore auto follow functionality in zero clients
Pattern not found
allowed failed Draw shield on top of other player sprites
Move shield sprite closed to camera for draw on top of other player sprites
Failed in Step 2 - pattern not found
allowed failed Always Call SelectKoreaClientInfo()
Calls SelectKoreaClientInfo() always before SelectClientInfo() allowing you to use features that would be only visible on Korean Service Type
Failed in Step 2 - Calls missing for iteration no.0
allowed failed Allow spam skills by hotkey
If hold key, allow spam skills by hotkey
Failed in step 1 - pattern not found
skipped failed Disable Login Encryption
Disable Encryption in Login Packet 0x2b0
Failed in Step 1 - Encryptor call missing
allowed failed Set Mail Button
Set mail button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
allowed failed Enable Custom 3D Bones
Enables the use of custom 3D monsters (Granny) by lifting Hard-coded ID limit
Failed in Step 2 - Comparison missing
allowed failed Hide equipment button
Hide equipment button
Failed in Step 2 - Prefix assignment missing
skipped failed Disable Doram Character Creation UI [Experimental]
Disable Doram race in the character creation UI. Server-side disabling is also recommended
Failed in step 2 - Cannot find 3 MOV [EXP + var_Dx], 0 pattern.
allowed failed Increase creation Hair Style & Color Limits
Modify the limits used in Make Character Window for Hair Style and Color to user specified values
Failed in Step 1 - HairColor comparison missing
allowed failed Show Register Button
Makes the client always show register button on Login Window for all Langtypes. Clicking the button will open from clientinfo and closes the client.
Failed in Step 4 - Button prefix missing
allowed failed Only First Login Background
Displays always the first login background
Failed in Step 1
allowed failed Enable Custom Homunculus
Enables the addition of Custom Homunculus using Lua Files
FetchTillEnd: Infinite loop in FetchTillEnd
skipped failed Read questid2display.txt
Makes the client to load questid2display.txt on all LangTypes (instead of only 0)
String questID2display.txt not found
allowed failed Set SNS Button
Set SNS button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
allowed failed Fix Homunculus attack AI
Fix issue in homunculus AI what prevent automatic attacks after in 20170920 clients and newer
Failed in step 1: function missing.
skipped failed Disable Game Guard
Disables Game Guard from new clients
Failed in Step 1 - ProcessFindHack Function missing
allowed failed Change players hp bar size
Change hp/sp bar size drawed under character
Failed in Step 1
allowed failed Cancel to Login Window
Makes clicking the Cancel button in Character selection window return to login window instead of Quitting
Patch Cancelled - Restore Login Window patch is necessary but not enabled
allowed failed Always see hidden/cloaked objects
Always see black silhouette of hidden objects as if the player has intravision status
Failed in Step 1
allowed failed Fixes the Korean Job name issue with LangType
Fixes the Korean Job name issue with LangType
Reference not found for TaeKwon Girl
allowed failed Remove Hardcoded HTTP IP
Remove hardcoded HTTP service ip address, Prevent client from sending HTTP request to official server.
Found nothing to patch
skipped failed Fix homunculus hp and sp display in stats window.
Fix homunculus hp and sp display in ALT + R window in 2020-04-01 clients.
Pattern not found
skipped failed Legacy: Disable Packet Encryption
Disable kRO Packet ID Encryption. Also known as Skip Packet Obfuscation
PKI: Failed to find any reference locations
skipped failed Change MerchantStore Url
Change hardcoded URL for MerchantStore save and load, HTTP service required.
Failed in Step 1a - String missing
skipped failed Legacy: Packet Third Key Encryption
Change the 3rd key for packet encryption. Dont select the patch Disable Packet Header Encryption if you are using this. Don't use it if you don't know what you are doing
PKI: Failed to find any reference locations
skipped failed Disable HShield
Disables HackShield
Failed in Step 1a - String not found
allowed failed Increase Attack Display
Increases the limit of digits displayed while attacking from 6 to 10
Failed in Step 1 - 999999 comparison missing
allowed failed Set Achievement Button
Set achievement button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
allowed failed Allow close cutin by pressing esc key
Allow close cutin window by pressing esc key
Failed in step 1 - check pattern not found
allowed failed Use Default Web Browser for
Use default web browser to open instead of built-in ROWebBrowser.
Failed in Step 1a - Function not found.
allowed failed Enable Custom Player Skills [Experimental]
Enables the use of custom skills castable on players (using Lua Files)
Failed in Step 1 - ID checker missing
allowed failed Fix achievement counters for each type of achievement
Fix achievement counters for each type of achievement
Failed in step 3 - pattern not found
allowed failed Set adventurer agency button
Set adventurer agency button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
skipped failed Load iteminfo with char server
Load ItemInfo file and call main function with selected char server name as argument
Failed in Step 1 - StringAllocator call missing
allowed failed Add custom lua support [Navigation]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for navigation.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
LUAFL: CLua_Load call missing: Lua Files\Navigation\Navi_NpcDistance_krpri
allowed failed Enable Custom Jobs
Enables the use of Custom Jobs (using Lua Files similar to Xray)
Failed in Step 5 - 'TaeKwon Girl' reference missing
allowed failed Set Navigation Button
Set navigation button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
allowed failed Disable specified Windows
Disable specified window/interface, check input/DisableWindows.txt for more information.
Patch Cancelled
allowed failed Hide status/stats button
Hide status/stats button
Failed in Step 2 - Prefix assignment missing
allowed failed Use Custom Aura Limits
Allows the client to display standard auras within user specified limits for Classes and Levels
Failed in Step 1 - Value PUSHes missing
allowed failed Use Custom Icon
Makes the hexed client use the User specified icon. Icon file should have an 8bpp (256 color) 32x32 image
Failed in Step 4 - Unable to find icongrp/lang
allowed failed Enable Custom Homunculus Skills [Experimental]
Enables the use of custom skills for Homunculus (using Lua Files)
Failed in Step 1 - ID checker missing
skipped failed Legacy: Packet First Key Encryption
Change the 1st key for packet encryption. Dont select the patch Disable Packet Header Encryption if you are using this. Don't use it if you don't know what you are doing
PKI: Failed to find any reference locations
allowed failed Legacy: Increase hair style limit in game
Allow use more hair styles than default limit
Failed in step 5 - hair table not found
skipped failed Load Custom Quest Lua/Lub files
Enables loading of custom lua files used for quests. You need to specify a txt file containing list of files in the 'lua files\quest' folder to load (one file per line)
Failed in Step 1 - Quest_function not found
skipped failed Legacy: Enable 64k Hairstyle
Increases Max Hairstyle limit to 64k from default 27
Failed in Step 2 - Register assignment missing
allowed failed Set Shop Button
Set shop button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
allowed failed Use Custom Exp Bar Limits
Allows client to use user specified limits for Exp Bars
Failed in Step 1 - Comparison setup missing
allowed failed Legacy: Increase hair style limit for human only in game (old)
Allow use more hair styles than default limit
Failed in step 2 - hair limit missing
allowed failed Set Tip Button
Set tip button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
allowed failed Enable Custom Mercenary Skills [Experimental]
Enables the use of custom skills for Mercenaries (using Lua Files)
LUA: Lua_state assignment missing
allowed failed Enable Mail Box for All LangTypes
Enables the full use of Mail Boxes and @mail commands (write is disabled for few LangTypes by default in 2013 Clients)
Failed in Step 1 - First pattern not found
allowed failed Show Exp Numbers
Show Base and Job Exp numbers in Basic Info Window
Failed in Step 2 - Base Exp addrs missing
allowed failed Hide guild button
Hide guild button
Failed in Step 2 - Prefix assignment missing
allowed failed Move Item Count Upwards [Experimental]
Move Item Count upwards in Shortcut Window so as to align with Skill Level display
Failed in Step 1 - No Patterns matched
allowed failed Remove wrong chars from cash shop
Hide wrong field with random values in cash shop
Failed in step 2 - pattern not found
allowed failed Restore Cash Shop Icon
Restores the Cash Shop Icon in RE clients that can have them
Patch Cancelled - Icon is already there
allowed failed Allow leader to leave party if no members on map
Allow leader to leave party if not party members on same map
Failed in step 1 - pattern not found
allowed failed Disconnect to Login Window
Make the client return to Login Window upon disconnection
Failed in Part 1 - MsgString ID missing
allowed failed Hide zero date (1969-01-01) in guild members window
Hide zero date (1969-01-01) in guild members window
Failed in step 1 - pattern not found
skipped failed Disable Cheat Defender Game Guard
Disables Cheat Defender Game Guard from new clients
Failed in Step 1a - Pattern not found
allowed failed Use Custom Aura Sprites
This option will make it so your warp portals will not be affected by your aura sprites. For this you will have to make aurafloat.tga and auraring.bmp and place them in your 'data\texture\effect' folder
Failed in Step 2
allowed failed Hide Rec Button
Hide Rec Button
Failed in Step 2 - Prefix assignment missing
allowed failed Hide Roulette
Hide Roulette Icon
Patch Cancelled - Roulette is already hidden
allowed failed Set Replay Button
Set replay button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
allowed failed Fix act delay for act files with many frames
Fix act delay for act files with big amount of frames
Failed in step 1 - pattern not found

All patches

status patch name error
allowed success Fix Charset For Custom Fonts
Use correct charset for Official Custom Fonts on all LangType
allowed success Chat Color - GM
Changes the GM Chat color and sets it to the specified value. Default value is ffff00 (Yellow)
allowed success Increase Headgear ViewID
Increases the limit for the headgear ViewIDs from 2000 to User Defined value (max 32000)
allowed success Remove Gravity Ads
Removes Gravity ads on the login background
allowed success Hide build info in client
Hide actual build info in client by replacing it to useless data
allowed success Enable debug file PingLog.txt
Enabling storing some debug info into PingLog.txt
allowed failed Enable Custom Shields
Enables the use of Custom Shield Types (using Lua Files similar to Xray)
LUA: Lua_state assignment missing
skipped failed Disable Game Guard (NProtect)
Disables Game Guard in 2022-03-30 clients
allowed success Use Custom DLL
Makes the hexed client load the specified DLL and functions
allowed success Remove hardcoded address/port
Remove hardcoded connection addresses and ports.
allowed success Enable Effect for all Maps [Experimental]
Make the client load the corresponding file in EffectTool folder for all maps
allowed failed Remove Jobs from Booking
Removes user specified set of Job Names from Party Booking Window.
Failed in Step 1a - Loop Beginning missing
allowed success Enable Shortcut All Item
Allow players put all items on the shortcut window make it easy to trace.
allowed success Change Tipbox*.lub path
Change Tipbox*.lub path
allowed success Restore Roulette
Brings back the Roulette Icon that was removed in new clients
allowed success Skip some hidden menu icon buttons
Allow skip buttons hidden by patches 'Hide XXX button'
allowed success Add custom lua support [Robe]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for robes.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed failed Show Cancel To Service Select
Restores the Cancel button in Login Window for switching back to Service Select Window. The button will be placed in between Login and Exit buttons
Failed in Step 1 - btn_intro_b missing
allowed success Remove Equipment Preview Button
Remove equipment preview button on the items description window
allowed success Disable 4 Letter User Name Limit
Will allow people to use account names shorter than 4 characters
allowed success Always Show License Screen
Makes the client always show the License for all LangTypes
allowed failed Set Attendance Button
Set attendance button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
allowed success Send at commands to server
Allow send at commands unsupported by client to server
allowed failed Disable Quake skill effect
Disables the Earthquake skill effect
Failed in Step 1 - BMP not found
allowed success Use Ascii on All LangTypes
Makes the Client Enable ASCII irrespective of Font or LangTypes
allowed success Change maximum guild emblem file size
Allow upload gif emblems with other maximum size (default limit is 51200 bytes)
allowed success Change actor names font size
Change font size for classes UINameBalloon*
allowed success Disable Walk To Delay.
Will have a quicker response to walking clicks. But client may likely send more/duplicated packets.
allowed success Adjust all fonts logical size
Adjust all fonts logical size
allowed failed Set booking button
Set booking button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
allowed success Disable Swear Filter
The content of manner.txt has no impact on ability to send text
allowed success Disable mp3NameTable.txt
Disable all .mp3 audio files in BGM folder for playing background music
skipped failed Fix HTTP Emblems in clients
Fix HTTP Emblem client clients with cheat defender. HTTP service required.
Failed in Step 1
allowed success Extend PM Box
Extend the PM chat box max input chars from 70 to 221
allowed success Change default font color for base class of all balloons
Change default font color for class UIBalloonText
allowed success Limit maximum font size for drawed text messages
Allow set maximum font size for text messages.
allowed success Limit maximum width in all resolutions
Limit maximum width in all screen resolutions
allowed success Add custom lua support [Weapon]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for weapons.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed failed Restore Login Window
Circumvents Gravity's new token-based login system and restores the normal login window
Failed in Step 1
allowed success Draw text messages with fixed height
Set font height on all drawed text messages.
allowed success Change minimal bronze amount for start roulette
Also need change this limit in emulator side
allowed success Additional client validation
Validate is loaded client detected as correct client. If this patch failed, other patches can be wrong.
allowed success Restore chat focus
Restore input focus from left mouse click.
allowed success @ Bug Fix
Correct the bug to write @ in chat
allowed success Change default icon type for class UINameBalloonText
Change default icon type for class UINameBalloonText
allowed success Add custom lua support [Lapine Box]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for lapine boxes.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed failed Set Bank Button
Set bank button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
allowed success Disable Nagle Algorithm
Disables the Nagle Algorithm. The Nagle Algorithm queues packets before they are sent in order to minimize protocol overhead. Disabling the algorithm will slightly increase network traffic, but it will decrease latency as well
allowed success Change CheckAttendance*.lub path
Change CheckAttendance*.lub path
allowed success Set fixed charset
Allow use only one charset for any text messages. (enable load and use font charset patches)
allowed success Hide adventurer agency button
Hide adventurer agency button
allowed success Skip License Screen
Skip the warning screen and goes directly to the main window with the Service Select
allowed success Use Tilde for Matk
Make the client use tilde (~) symbol for Matk in Stats Window instead of Plus (+)
allowed success Use Custom dll in simple way
Makes client load the specified DLL in simple way. For tests try dll from Input/testdll.dll
skipped failed Legacy: Packet Second Key Encryption
Change the 2nd key for packet encryption. Dont select the patch Disable Packet Header Encryption if you are using this. Don't use it if you don't know what you are doing
PKI: Failed to find any reference locations
allowed success Change default border color for class UITransBalloonText
Change default border color for class UITransBalloonText
allowed success Change MVP monster hp bar size
Change health bar size drawed under MVP (boss) monster
allowed success Disable Hallucination Wavy Screen
Disables the Hallucination effect (screen becomes wavy and lags the client), used by baphomet, horongs, and such
skipped failed Restore auto follow
Restore auto follow functionality in zero clients
Pattern not found
allowed failed Draw shield on top of other player sprites
Move shield sprite closed to camera for draw on top of other player sprites
Failed in Step 2 - pattern not found
allowed success Chat Flood Remove Limit
Remove the clientside limitation which checks for maximum repeated lines
allowed success Unlock all valid skills for homunculus and mercenary AI
Unlock all valid skills for homunculus and mercenary AI
allowed success Fix Camera Angles (LESS)
Unlocks the possible camera angles to give more freedom of placement. This enables an 30deg angle
allowed success Change all fonts face
Change all fonts face name
allowed success Hide shop button
Hide shop button
allowed success Restore Songs Effect
Restore Bard/Dancer songs ground effect on 2019+ clients.
allowed success Hide Achievements Button
Hide Achievements Button
allowed success Show icon with error messages
Show icon with error message boxes
allowed success Shared Head Palettes Type2
Makes the client use a single hair palette set (head_%d.pal) for all job classes both genders
allowed success Shared Head Palettes Type1
Makes the client use a single hair palette set (head_%s_%d.pal) for all job classes but separate for both genders
allowed success Change PetEvolutionCln*.lub path
Change PetEvolutionCln*.lub path
allowed success Fix Camera Angles (FULL)
Unlocks the possible camera angles to give more freedom of placement. This enables an almost ground-level camera
allowed failed Always Call SelectKoreaClientInfo()
Calls SelectKoreaClientInfo() always before SelectClientInfo() allowing you to use features that would be only visible on Korean Service Type
Failed in Step 2 - Calls missing for iteration no.0
allowed failed Allow spam skills by hotkey
If hold key, allow spam skills by hotkey
Failed in step 1 - pattern not found
skipped failed Disable Login Encryption
Disable Encryption in Login Packet 0x2b0
Failed in Step 1 - Encryptor call missing
allowed success Hide Rodex Button
Hide Rodex Button
allowed failed Set Mail Button
Set mail button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
allowed success Always read msgstringtable.txt
This option will force the client to read all the user interface messages from msgstringtable.txt instead of displaying the Korean messages
allowed success Enable Emblem hover for BG
Makes the client show the Emblem on top of the character for Battleground mode as well along with GvG
allowed success Skip Resurrection Button
Skip showing resurrection button when you die with Token of Ziegfried in inventory
allowed failed Enable Custom 3D Bones
Enables the use of custom 3D monsters (Granny) by lifting Hard-coded ID limit
Failed in Step 2 - Comparison missing
allowed failed Hide equipment button
Hide equipment button
Failed in Step 2 - Prefix assignment missing
allowed success Change fade in/out delay
Change fade in/out time in warps on same map
skipped failed Disable Doram Character Creation UI [Experimental]
Disable Doram race in the character creation UI. Server-side disabling is also recommended
Failed in step 2 - Cannot find 3 MOV [EXP + var_Dx], 0 pattern.
allowed success Custom Window Title
Changes window title. Normally, the window title is 'Ragnarok'
allowed failed Increase creation Hair Style & Color Limits
Modify the limits used in Make Character Window for Hair Style and Color to user specified values
Failed in Step 1 - HairColor comparison missing
allowed success Change RecommendedQuestInfoList*.lub path
Change RecommendedQuestInfoList*.lub path
allowed success Change default text width for class UIVerticalNameBalloonText
Change default text width class UIVerticalNameBalloonText
allowed success Use SSO Login Packet
Enable using SSO packet on all LangType (to use login and pass with a launcher)
allowed failed Show Register Button
Makes the client always show register button on Login Window for all Langtypes. Clicking the button will open from clientinfo and closes the client.
Failed in Step 4 - Button prefix missing
allowed success Hide Bank Button
Hide Bank Button
allowed success Load custom ClientInfo file
Makes the client load your own clientinfo file instead of *clientinfo.xml
allowed failed Only First Login Background
Displays always the first login background
Failed in Step 1
allowed failed Enable Custom Homunculus
Enables the addition of Custom Homunculus using Lua Files
FetchTillEnd: Infinite loop in FetchTillEnd
allowed success Disable 4 Letter Character Name Limit
Will allow people to use character names shorter than 4 characters
allowed success Disable dc_scream.txt
Disable chat on file dc_scream
allowed success Hide Cash Shop
Hide Cash Shop Icon
allowed success Enable DNS Support
Enable DNS support for clientinfo.xml
skipped failed Read questid2display.txt
Makes the client to load questid2display.txt on all LangTypes (instead of only 0)
String questID2display.txt not found
allowed success Enforce Official Login Background
Enforce Official Login Background for all LangType
allowed success Remove Serial Display
Removes the display of the client serial number in the login window (bottom right corner)
allowed failed Set SNS Button
Set SNS button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
allowed success Hide debugger
Hide presence of debugger (IsDebuggerPresent)
allowed success Change all fonts logical size to fixed value
Resizes all fonts logical height to fixed value
allowed success Hide BG Button
Hide Battleground Button
allowed success Enable Official Custom Fonts
This option forces Official Custom Fonts (eot files int data folder) on all LangType
allowed success Change default font size for base class of all balloons
Change default font size for class UIBalloonText
allowed success Change normal monster hp bar size
Change health bar size drawed under normal monster
allowed success Auto Mute Audio [Experimental]
Auto mute audio when game window not actived.
allowed failed Fix Homunculus attack AI
Fix issue in homunculus AI what prevent automatic attacks after in 20170920 clients and newer
Failed in step 1: function missing.
allowed success Extend Chat Room Box
Extend the chat room box max input chars from 70 to 234
allowed success Enable packets id encryption
Set default way for encryption packets id based on 3 keys
allowed success Change character display deletion time
Change character display deletion time from actual date to relative date
skipped failed Disable Game Guard
Disables Game Guard from new clients
Failed in Step 1 - ProcessFindHack Function missing
allowed success Limit minimal width in all resolutions
Limit minimal width in all screen resolutions
allowed success Change adventurer agency level range
Changes the default level range on the Adventure Agency.
allowed success Fix item description bug
Fix item description '[' bug
allowed success Use small titlebar in game window
Use small title bar in game window
allowed success Draw text messages always with italic font
Set italic font on all drawed text messages.
allowed success Always load Korea ExternalSettings lua file
Makes the client load Korea server's ExternalSettings file for all langtypes.
allowed success Limit minimal font size for drawed text messages
Allow set minimal font size for text messages.
allowed success Extend Npc Dialog Box
Increases Max input chars of NPC Dialog boxes from 2052 to 4096
allowed failed Change players hp bar size
Change hp/sp bar size drawed under character
Failed in Step 1
allowed failed Cancel to Login Window
Makes clicking the Cancel button in Character selection window return to login window instead of Quitting
Patch Cancelled - Restore Login Window patch is necessary but not enabled
allowed success Enable /showname
Enables use of /showname command on all LangTypes
allowed success Limit all fonts logical minimal size
Limit all fonts logical minimal size
allowed success Increase human hair style limit in game
Allow use amount of hair styles for human job in game
allowed success Change Walk To Delay.
Can have a quicker response to walking clicks. But client may likely send more/duplicated packets.
allowed success Disable OS Privileges execution level
Disable OS Privileges execution level for run client by user account
allowed success Change Towninfo*.lub path
Change Towninfo*.lub path
allowed failed Always see hidden/cloaked objects
Always see black silhouette of hidden objects as if the player has intravision status
Failed in Step 1
allowed success Add custom lua support [HatEffectInfo]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for hat effects.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed success Hide options/settings button
Hide options/settings button
allowed failed Fixes the Korean Job name issue with LangType
Fixes the Korean Job name issue with LangType
Reference not found for TaeKwon Girl
allowed failed Remove Hardcoded HTTP IP
Remove hardcoded HTTP service ip address, Prevent client from sending HTTP request to official server.
Found nothing to patch
skipped failed Fix homunculus hp and sp display in stats window.
Fix homunculus hp and sp display in ALT + R window in 2020-04-01 clients.
Pattern not found
skipped failed Legacy: Disable Packet Encryption
Disable kRO Packet ID Encryption. Also known as Skip Packet Obfuscation
PKI: Failed to find any reference locations
skipped failed Change MerchantStore Url
Change hardcoded URL for MerchantStore save and load, HTTP service required.
Failed in Step 1a - String missing
skipped failed Legacy: Packet Third Key Encryption
Change the 3rd key for packet encryption. Dont select the patch Disable Packet Header Encryption if you are using this. Don't use it if you don't know what you are doing
PKI: Failed to find any reference locations
allowed success Change default BGM file
Change default BGM music file after login to account. Default is bgm\01.mp3
allowed success Hide skills button
Hide skills button
allowed success Change Walk To Delay from chat.
Allow enable/disable walk delay from chat command
skipped failed Disable HShield
Disables HackShield
Failed in Step 1a - String not found
allowed success Use low color custom icon
Use custom icon with size 32x32 and 16 colors
allowed success Disable ba_frostjoke.txt
Disable chat on file ba_frostjoke
allowed success Disable 1rag1 type parameters
Enable this to launch the client directly without patching or any 1rag1, 1sak1 etc parameters
allowed success Add support for preview button in custom shops
Extend old cash shop packet for support equipment preview.
allowed success Hide attendance button
Hide attendance button
allowed success Set fixed server ip address
Client will always connect only to given hardcoded ip address
allowed success Check is servertype in xml file was set to correct value
Show error if xml file configured in wrong way
allowed success Adjust font size for drawed text messages
Allow adjust font size for text messages.
allowed success Change minimal gold amount for start roulette
Also need change this limit in emulator side
allowed failed Increase Attack Display
Increases the limit of digits displayed while attacking from 6 to 10
Failed in Step 1 - 999999 comparison missing
allowed success Hide inventory button
Hide inventory button
allowed failed Set Achievement Button
Set achievement button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
allowed success Ignore Resource Errors
Prevents the client from displaying a variety of Error messages (but not all of them) including missing files. This does not guarantee the client will work in-spite of missing files
allowed success Change default font color for class UITransBalloonText
Change default font color for class UITransBalloonText
allowed failed Allow close cutin by pressing esc key
Allow close cutin window by pressing esc key
Failed in step 1 - check pattern not found
allowed failed Use Default Web Browser for
Use default web browser to open instead of built-in ROWebBrowser.
Failed in Step 1a - Function not found.
allowed failed Enable Custom Player Skills [Experimental]
Enables the use of custom skills castable on players (using Lua Files)
Failed in Step 1 - ID checker missing
skipped success Ignore Towninfo*.lub Reading
Make the client ignore to reading Towninfo*.lub and prevents the client from displaying a error messages window
allowed success Increase Zoom Out 50%
Increases the zoom-out range by 50 percent
allowed failed Fix achievement counters for each type of achievement
Fix achievement counters for each type of achievement
Failed in step 3 - pattern not found
allowed success Increase Zoom Out 75%
Increases the zoom-out range by 75 percent
allowed failed Set adventurer agency button
Set adventurer agency button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
allowed success Add close button to game window
Add close button and menu to game window
skipped failed Load iteminfo with char server
Load ItemInfo file and call main function with selected char server name as argument
Failed in Step 1 - StringAllocator call missing
allowed failed Add custom lua support [Navigation]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for navigation.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
LUAFL: CLua_Load call missing: Lua Files\Navigation\Navi_NpcDistance_krpri
allowed success Hide SNS Button
Hide SNS (Twitter) button
allowed success Disable packets id encryption
Disable default way for encryption packets id based on 3 keys
allowed success Change all normal fonts weight to fixed value
Change all normal (regular) fonts weight to fixed value
allowed failed Enable Custom Jobs
Enables the use of Custom Jobs (using Lua Files similar to Xray)
Failed in Step 5 - 'TaeKwon Girl' reference missing
allowed failed Set Navigation Button
Set navigation button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
allowed success Chat Color - Self
Changes your character's Chat color and sets it to the specified value. Default value is 00ff00 (Green)
allowed success Disable Help Message on Login
Prevents the Help Message being shown on Login for all LangTypes
allowed failed Disable specified Windows
Disable specified window/interface, check input/DisableWindows.txt for more information.
Patch Cancelled
allowed failed Hide status/stats button
Hide status/stats button
Failed in Step 2 - Prefix assignment missing
allowed success HKLM To HKCU
This makes the client use HK_CURRENT_USER registry entries instead of HK_LOCAL_MACHINE. Necessary for users who have no admin privileges on their computer
allowed success Remove Equipment Swap Button
Remove equipment swap button on the equipment window
allowed success Set custom message for error if client started without launcher
This message can be visible only in patch 'Disable 1rag1 type parameters' not enabled.
allowed success Enable GvG Damage display
Show Damage on GvG Maps during the Guild War
allowed success Disable Blind skills effect
Disables the Blind skill effect (screen becomes darkness)
allowed success Draw names with bold or normal font
Draw UINameBalloon* with bold or normal font
allowed failed Use Custom Aura Limits
Allows the client to display standard auras within user specified limits for Classes and Levels
Failed in Step 1 - Value PUSHes missing
allowed success Change tax value on sending items by rodex
Allow replace default 2500 rodex tax to custom value
allowed success Use Normal Guild Brackets
On LangType 0, instead of square-brackets, japanese style brackets are used, this option reverts that behaviour to the normal square brackets '[' and ']'
allowed success Remove GM Sprites
Remove the GM sprites and keeping all the functionality like Yellow name and Admin right click menu
allowed failed Use Custom Icon
Makes the hexed client use the User specified icon. Icon file should have an 8bpp (256 color) 32x32 image
Failed in Step 4 - Unable to find icongrp/lang
allowed success Change auto follow stop delay
Can change auto follow disappear delay.
allowed success Show Replay Button
Makes the client show Replay button on Service Select screen that opens the Replay File List window
allowed failed Enable Custom Homunculus Skills [Experimental]
Enables the use of custom skills for Homunculus (using Lua Files)
Failed in Step 1 - ID checker missing
allowed success Protect shorten and bold name flags
Remove code from CSession::SetTextType
allowed success Change default shadow color for class UITransBalloonText
Change default shadow color for class UITransBalloonText
allowed success Always Show Resurrection Button
Make the client always show Resurrection button with Token of Ziegfried in inventory irrespective of map type
allowed success Change minimal silver amount for start roulette
Also need change this limit in emulator side
allowed success Restore Model Culling
Culls models in front of player by turning them transparent
allowed success Increase Zoom Out Max
Maximizes the zoom-out range
allowed success Chat Flood Allow
Disable the clientside repeat limit of 3, and sets it to the specified value
allowed success Only Second Login Background
Displays always the second login background
allowed success Change default shadow color for base class of all balloons
Change default shadow color for class UIBalloonText
allowed success Opening To Service Select
Make Opening button to service select, change button text in msgstringtable,txt:3354
allowed success Ignore SignBoardList.lub Reading
Make the client ignore to reading SignBoardList.lub
allowed success Set fixed job id in char create dialog
Override selected job in char creation packet
allowed success Chat Color - Guild
Changes the Guild Chat color and sets it to the specified value. Default Value is b4ffb4 (Light Green)
allowed success Hide keyboard button
Hide keyboard button
skipped failed Legacy: Packet First Key Encryption
Change the 1st key for packet encryption. Dont select the patch Disable Packet Header Encryption if you are using this. Don't use it if you don't know what you are doing
PKI: Failed to find any reference locations
allowed success Add custom lua support [NPC/Mob/Pet]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for NPCs/mobs/pets.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed success Hide Booking Button
Hide Booking Button
allowed success Increase Zoom Out 25%
Increases the zoom-out range by 25 percent
allowed success Increase Zoom Out to custom value
Increases the zoom-out range by custom value
allowed success Read Data Folder First
Gives the data directory contents priority over the data/sdata.grf contents
allowed success Change default shadow color for class UICharInfoBalloonText
Change default shadow color for class UICharInfoBalloonText
allowed success Add custom lua support [Signboard]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for signboards.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed success Change default text width for class UINameBalloonText
Change default text width class UINameBalloonText
allowed success Use Official Cloth Palettes
Use Official Cloth Palette on all LangTypes. Do not use this if you are using the 'Enable Custom Jobs' patch
allowed success Limit all fonts logical maximum size
Limit all fonts logical maximum size
allowed success Draw text messages always with bold font
Set bold font on all drawed text messages.
allowed failed Legacy: Increase hair style limit in game
Allow use more hair styles than default limit
Failed in step 5 - hair table not found
allowed success Enable /who command
Enable /w and /who command for all LangTypes
allowed success Limit minimal height in all resolutions
Limit minimal height in all screen resolutions
skipped failed Load Custom Quest Lua/Lub files
Enables loading of custom lua files used for quests. You need to specify a txt file containing list of files in the 'lua files\quest' folder to load (one file per line)
Failed in Step 1 - Quest_function not found
allowed success Always Load Client Plugins
Makes the client load client plug-ins regardless of its sound settings
skipped failed Legacy: Enable 64k Hairstyle
Increases Max Hairstyle limit to 64k from default 27
Failed in Step 2 - Register assignment missing
allowed success Fix Camera Angles (custom)
Unlocks the possible camera angles to give more freedom of placement. This enable custom camera angle
allowed success Change Quick Switch Delay
Change quick item switch delay
allowed success Disable Auto follow
Disables player auto-follow on Shift+Right click
allowed success Change all bold fonts weight to fixed value
Change all bold fonts weight to fixed value
allowed success Disable Multiple Windows
Prevents the client from creating more than one instance on all LangTypes
allowed success Increase Map Quality
Makes client use 32 bit color maps for Map Textures
allowed success Translate Client
This will translate some of the Hard-coded Korean phrases with strings stored in TranslateClient.txt
allowed success Remove Hourly Announce
Remove hourly game grade and hourly play time minder announcements
allowed success Change minimal screen resolution limit
Allow change minimal client resolution (default value is 1024x768
allowed success Add custom lua support [Title]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for titles.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed failed Set Shop Button
Set shop button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
allowed success Enable Multiple GRFs - Embedded
Enables the use of multiple grf files without needing INI file in client folder. Instead you specify the INI file as input to the patch
allowed success Change guild exp limit
Change guild exp limit percent. Default value is 50.
allowed failed Use Custom Exp Bar Limits
Allows client to use user specified limits for Exp Bars
Failed in Step 1 - Comparison setup missing
allowed success Enable Monster Tables
Enables Loading of MonsterTalkTable.xml, PetTalkTable.xml & MonsterSkillInfo.xml for all LangTypes
allowed failed Legacy: Increase hair style limit for human only in game (old)
Allow use more hair styles than default limit
Failed in step 2 - hair limit missing
allowed success Translate arrows buttons text from korean to english
Translate arrows buttons in hotkey setting ui from korean to english
skipped success Copy patched Cheat Defender Game Guard
Copy patched/disabled Cheat Defender Game Guard into destination directory
allowed failed Set Tip Button
Set tip button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
allowed success Hide tip button
Hide tip button
allowed failed Enable Custom Mercenary Skills [Experimental]
Enables the use of custom skills for Mercenaries (using Lua Files)
LUA: Lua_state assignment missing
allowed success Change AchievementList*.lub path
Change AchievementList*.lub path
allowed success Enable Proxy Support
Ignores server-provided IP addresses when changing servers
allowed success Change boss monster hp bar size
Change health bar size drawed under boss (mini boss) monster
allowed success Enable guild while in clan
Remove restriction of guild functionality while being a member of a clan
allowed failed Enable Mail Box for All LangTypes
Enables the full use of Mail Boxes and @mail commands (write is disabled for few LangTypes by default in 2013 Clients)
Failed in Step 1 - First pattern not found
allowed success Set normal priority class for inactive client
Set normal priority class for inactive client window
allowed failed Show Exp Numbers
Show Base and Job Exp numbers in Basic Info Window
Failed in Step 2 - Base Exp addrs missing
allowed success Change default font color for class UICharInfoBalloonText
Change default font color for class UICharInfoBalloonText
allowed success Enable Multiple GRFs
Enables the use of multiple grf files by putting them in a data.ini file in your client folder.You can only load up to 10 total grf files with this option ( -9)
allowed success Never read msgstringtable.txt
This option will block client from reading all the user interface messages from msgstringtable.txt. Instead client will display Korean messages
allowed success Add custom lua support [Headgears]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for headgears.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed success Highlight Skillslot Color
Changes the highlight skillslot color and sets it to the specified value. Default value is b4ffb4 (Celadon)
allowed success Change second char create job
Replace doram to custom job in char creation window.
allowed success Chat Color - Your Party
Changes Your Party Chat color and sets it to the specified value. Default value is ffc800 (Orange)
allowed success Disable Official Custom Fonts
This option disable Official Custom Fonts (eot files int data folder) on all LangType
allowed success Disable ViewPointTable.txt
Disable locking camera viewpoint rotation on file ViewPointTable.txt
allowed success Use Plain Text Descriptions
Signals that the contents of text files are text files, not encoded
allowed failed Hide guild button
Hide guild button
Failed in Step 2 - Prefix assignment missing
allowed success Change auto follow delay
Can reduce auto follow delay.
allowed success Hide party button
Hide party button
allowed success Use borderless mode in full screen
Use borderless mode in full screen
allowed success Use Custom Font
Allows the use of user-defined font for all LangTypes. The LangType-specific charset is still being enforced, so if the selected font does not support it, the system falls back to a font that does
allowed success Disable password encryption for lang types 4, 7
Disable password encryption for lang types 4, 7
allowed success Change Max Party Value
Change max party value displayed on Alt+Z
allowed success Enable Flag Emoticons
Enable Selected Flag Emoticons for all LangTypes. You need to specify a txt file as input with the flag constants assigned to 1-9
allowed success Disable Adventure Agent button on Party Window
Disable Adventure Agency button on Party Window
allowed success Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo*.lub
Makes the client load your own lua file instead of iteminfo.lub . If you directly use itemInfo.lub for your translated items, it may become lost during the next kRO update
allowed success Change all load fonts charset
Change all fonts charset in win32 api
allowed success Shared Body Palettes Type1
Makes the client use a single cloth palette set (body_%s_%d.pal) for all job classes but separate for both genders
allowed success Shared Body Palettes Type2
Makes the client use a single cloth palette set (body_%d.pal) for all job classes both genders
allowed failed Move Item Count Upwards [Experimental]
Move Item Count upwards in Shortcut Window so as to align with Skill Level display
Failed in Step 1 - No Patterns matched
allowed success Mvp Drop Item Use Identified Name
Change Mvp drop item use identified name
allowed success Force Send Client Hash Packet
Forces the client to send a packet with it's MD5 hash for all LangTypes. Only use if you have enabled it in your server
allowed success Ignore most errors
Ignore most errors (hide all message boxes)
allowed success Allow space in guild name
Allow player to create a guild with space in the name (/guild "Space Name")
allowed success Fix default position of new char create window
Fix default position of new char create window
allowed success Hide Map Button
Hide Map Button
allowed success Change Vending Limit [Experimental]
Change the Vending Limit of 1 Billion zeny to user specified value
allowed success Increase Screenshot Quality
Allows changing the JPEG quality parameter for screenshots
allowed success Ignore Quest Errors
Prevents the client from displaying a error messages like 'Not found Quest Info = XXXX'.
allowed failed Remove wrong chars from cash shop
Hide wrong field with random values in cash shop
Failed in step 2 - pattern not found
allowed success Load custom lua files for most loaded lua files
Load custom lua files before and after for most loaded lua files
allowed success Extend Chat Box
Extend the Main/Battle chat box max input chars from 70 to 234
allowed success Always Use Email for Char Deletion
Makes the Client use Email as Deletion Password for all LangTypes
allowed success Fix Tetra Vortex
Fixes the black screen animation issue of tetra vortex
allowed success Case-Insensitive Storage Search
Case-insensitive search in storage UI.
allowed failed Restore Cash Shop Icon
Restores the Cash Shop Icon in RE clients that can have them
Patch Cancelled - Icon is already there
allowed success Skip Friend list Cheat Check
Prevents warnings during PM's when the sender has similar name to one of your friends
allowed success Add custom lua support [World Map]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for world map.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed success Change new char name field height
Allow change height in input field in new char creation dialog
allowed success Disable kRO Site Launch
Disable launching after in-game settings change
allowed failed Allow leader to leave party if no members on map
Allow leader to leave party if not party members on same map
Failed in step 1 - pattern not found
allowed success Draw text messages always with non bold font
Set normal (non bold) font on all drawed text messages.
allowed success Chat Color - Other Player
Changes other players Chat color and sets it to the specified value. Default value is ffffff (White)
allowed success Use Default Web Browser In Cashshop
Open URL in the cashshop window with default web browser instead of IExplore.
allowed success Set fixed charset on drawing text messages
Allow use only one charset for any text messages drawing. Fixing issue with job name in mini stats window.
allowed success Add input delay
Add input delay in Sleep
allowed success Change default text decoration for class UITransBalloonText
Change default text decoration for class UITransBalloonText
allowed success Set high priority class for active client
Set high priority class for active client window
allowed success Add custom lua support [Quest]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for quests.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed success Increase doram hair style limit in game
Allow use amount of hair styles for doram job in game
allowed success Hide Quest Button
Hide Quest Button
allowed success Send client flags to server
Send main clients to server for avoid different flags on client and server
allowed success Disable Ragexe Filename Check
Disables the check that forces the client to quit if not called an official name like ragexe.exe for all LangTypes
allowed success Hide Nav Button
Hide Navigation Button
allowed success Fix captcha decompression buffer size
Changes the default zlib decompression size for captcha images.
allowed success Set all fonts weight to fixed value
Set all fonts weight to fixed value
allowed success Move Cash Shop Icon
Move the Cash Shop icon to user specified co-ordinates. Positive values are relative to left and top, Negative values are relative to right and bottom
allowed success Ignore /account: command line argument
Makes the client ignore /account: command line argument to prevent custom clientinfo.xml from being used.
allowed success Remove trait open button from status window
Remote open advanced attributes button from status window
allowed success Legacy: Enable Title Bar Menu
Replaced by patch 'Add close button to game window'
allowed success Change default font size for class UICharInfoBalloonText
Change default font size for class UICharInfoBalloonText
allowed success Plays sound instead of error message
Plays sound instead of error message
allowed success Change Max Friends Value
Change max friends value displayed on Alt+H
allowed success Change default font size for class UITransBalloonText
Change default font size for class UITransBalloonText
allowed success Change Max Items in inventory
Change maximum items in player inventory.
allowed success Draw text messages always with given font type
Set font type on all drawed text messages. Font type is custom mostly set charset only.
allowed success Remove blured background from new char creation window
Remove blured background from new char creation window
allowed success Fix Camera Angles
Unlocks the possible camera angles to give more freedom of placement. Gives a medium range of around 60 degrees
allowed success Disable 4 Letter Password Limit
Will allow people to use passwords shorter than 4 characters
allowed failed Disconnect to Login Window
Make the client return to Login Window upon disconnection
Failed in Part 1 - MsgString ID missing
allowed success Rename License File
Rename the filename used for EULA from '..\licence.txt' to user specified name (Path is relative to Data folder)
allowed success Ignore Missing Palette Error
Prevents the client from displaying error messages about missing palettes. It does not guarantee client will not crash if files are missing
allowed success Change OngoingQuestInfoList*.lub path
Change OngoingQuestInfoList*.lub path
allowed success Disable OTP Login Packet
Disable OTP Login Packet, which causing connect issue after disconnect.
allowed success Use Ragnarok Icon
Makes the hexed client use the RO program icon instead of the generic Win32 app icon
allowed success Disable Map Interface
Disable the World View (Full Map) Interface
allowed success Remove Equipment Title UI
Remove equipment title ui on the equipment window
allowed success Force use icons only from stateiconimginfo.lub
Disable hardcoded status icons and read them only from stateiconimginfo.lub
allowed success Limit maximum height in all resolutions
Limit maximum height in all screen resolutions
allowed success Disable map sign display
Disable all map sign display listing in MapInfo*.lub when players entering map.
allowed success Change PrivateAirplane*.lub path
Change PrivateAirplane*.lub path
allowed success Hide reputation button
Hide reputation button
allowed success Add custom lua support [Random Option]
Add the custom lua support by llchrisll for random options.\nCheck his wiki for more info.
allowed failed Hide zero date (1969-01-01) in guild members window
Hide zero date (1969-01-01) in guild members window
Failed in step 1 - pattern not found
allowed success Load custom icon in running client
Allow set game icon after client started
allowed success Change all fonts abs size to fixed value
Resizes all fonts abs height to fixed value
allowed success Chat Color - Other Party
Changes the Other Party members Chat color and sets it to the specified value. Default value is ffc8c8 (Pinkish)
allowed success Remove Gravity Logo
Removes Gravity Logo on the login background
allowed success Skip Guild Member Cheat Check
Prevents warnings during PM's when the sender has similar name to one of your guild members
allowed success Restore old login packet
Make client send old 0x64 login packet.
allowed success Add support for preview button in cash shop
Extend cash shop packet for support equipment preview.
allowed success Skip Service Selection Screen
Jumps directly to the login interface without asking to select a service
skipped failed Disable Cheat Defender Game Guard
Disables Cheat Defender Game Guard from new clients
Failed in Step 1a - Pattern not found
allowed failed Use Custom Aura Sprites
This option will make it so your warp portals will not be affected by your aura sprites. For this you will have to make aurafloat.tga and auraring.bmp and place them in your 'data\texture\effect' folder
Failed in Step 2
allowed success Change Sleep delay in game loop
Change Sleep delay in game loop
allowed failed Hide Rec Button
Hide Rec Button
Failed in Step 2 - Prefix assignment missing
allowed success Change MonsterSizeEffect*.lub path
Change MonsterSizeEffect*.lub path
allowed failed Hide Roulette
Hide Roulette Icon
Patch Cancelled - Roulette is already hidden
allowed success Ignore Lua Errors
Prevents the client from displaying a error messages from lua code like 'attempt to call nil value'.
allowed failed Set Replay Button
Set replay button hide or show.
Failed in Step 3 - Button display table not found
allowed failed Fix act delay for act files with many frames
Fix act delay for act files with big amount of frames
Failed in step 1 - pattern not found
allowed success Change MapInfo*.lub path
Change MapInfo*.lub path
allowed success Adjust all fonts weight to fixed value
Adjust all fonts weight to fixed value
allowed success Enable 44.1 kHz Audio Sampling Frequency
Boosts the audio sampling frequency to 44.1 kHz, improving the audio quality in the game.
allowed success Hide packets from peek
Simple way for hide packets from peek and bpe
allowed success Ignore Entry Queue Errors
Prevents the client from displaying a error messages like 'Load Failed Data\Table\EntryQueue.bex'.

Build hercules

Build on linux

make clean
./configure --enable-packetver=20211201

Build on windows

  • In file mmo.h change:
    #define PACKETVER 20190530
#endif // PACKETVER


    #define PACKETVER 20211201
#endif // PACKETVER
  • rebuild project